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Our Council Insurance Agent: John Forcella
Congratulations Sofia!!
Position | Name |
Grand Knight | Kevin Mazza |
Deputy Grand Knight | Joe Caruso |
Chancellor | Paul Torok |
Recorder | Anthony Decarlo |
Treasurer | David Langton |
Advocate | Steve Vasinda |
Warden | Paul Butera |
Inside Guard | Mark Colacci |
Outside Guard | Bruce Perone |
Year One Trustee | Rich Miller |
Year Two Trustee | Armando Sorchini |
Year Three Trustee | John Cummings |
Historian | |
Chaplain (appointed) | Father David Skoblow |
Financial Secretary (appointed) | Bill Lawrence |
Lecturer (appointed) | Rick Genter |
Council Insurance Agent | John Forcella |
Recent Officer Installation
Council 12700 recognizes the importance of assisting the parish both financially and in terms of donating time and talent. For instance, a number of Knights serve the parish as ushers. Several assist regularly with decorating the church at Christmas and Easter. Council members have also typically assisted in setting up the parish’s tent at the annual Middlesex Community Day event.
The Council makes several financial donations to the parish and to the Diocese of Metuchen on a regular basis. The Council makes a donation to the parish at Christmas and Easter and makes a monthly contribution of $100 towards the parish’s utilities. The Council also donates $500 a year to a seminarian selected by the Diocese who is studying for the priesthood for the Diocese of Metuchen.
The Council assists in several community events. For instance, it participates in the annual “Wreaths Across America” program, placing wreaths on graves of veterans at Christmas. The Council sponsors a collection box for used eyeglasses that are then donated to charity. The Council sponsors two community blood drives annually, at each of which is typically collected over 80 pints of blood. Council members also traditionally help sort and distribute Christmas gifts to a variety of charitable organizations. The Council raised over $1500 to support hurricane relief in 2017.
The Council annually awards one or more college scholarship grants of $300 to graduating seniors and an annual high school tuition grant of $1,000.